Posted on: 02/10/2013

The erection works of the steel roof of the multi-purpose hall at Heritage Private School in Limassol will begin tomorrow. The roof has an area of 995 sq.m., mass of around 40tn and an arch shape while the innovative Kalzip cladding system will be installed to complete the roof envelope.

“Accelerating Growth” event

Posted on: 01/08/2013

Upon completion of the “Grant scheme for SME’s for replacing low productivity job positions with high productivity job positions” of the Cyprus Productivity Centre, our company successfully organized the conference “Accelerating Growth”, which took place on Tuesday 30/07/2013 at Cleopatra Hotel. The event attracted the interest of a wide audience, mostly people in the construction and development sector (architects, engineers, contractors, etc.).


Posted on: 15/07/2013

During this week all structural steel members (columns, beams, zet purlins, etc) of total weight of 38 tons for a gym in Lebanon are loaded and prepared for export. Skoutaris Steel Ltd was responsible for the design and fabrication of the structure, while the erection will be supervised by our technician who will travel to Beirut for this purpose.


Posted on: 18/06/2013

The erection works of the imposing 25m long steel footbridge have completed at the area of the old G.S.O, over the promenade in Limassol. The lifting and installation procedure of the structure was particularly impressive, and it was performed in the early hours of Sunday in order to restrict the traffic on the busy avenue.


Posted on: 20/05/2013

An impressive structure dominates the entrance of Dali High School since the last month. The 15m high steel tower consists of three welded parts, on which the physics teachers have placed a pendulum mechanism to execute experiments on oscillations. The steel tower was fabricated and erected in collaboration with Archimedes Ltd.


Posted on: 30/03/2013

With high sense of responsibility, but also with great satisfaction we have successfully carried out the works for rebuilding the timber factory of G. Kofteros Industries Ltd, which was completely destroyed by a fire in October 2011. We wish to our good friend and associate, Mr. George Kofteros all the best for the further development of his company.


Posted on: 26/02/2013

The erection of the steel frame extension above ‘Loxandra’ restaurant at Onasagorou Street in old Nicosia has completed. The project requirements for causing the least possible disturbance to the smooth functioning of the area and to the lively neighborhood imposed high speed and great attention as well as fine precision to the works performed. The space restrictions and the difficulty of access for vehicles and lifting machinery resulted in higher risks and difficulties during construction. Nevertheless, with accurate planning, proper control and good coordination with all parties involved (employer, local authorities, associates), the project was completed successfully in time and to high performance.


Posted on: 06/02/2013

Works have begun on the additions and reconstructions to the existing facilities of Demstar Automotive in Engomi Industrial Area. The project’s contractor is the company DEPCON Ltd.


Posted on: 20/12/2012

Construction works continue for the erection of the steel structure of the A’ Aygorou Kindergarten. Responsible for the design and supervision of the project are the Technical Services of the Ministry of Education and contractor of the project is A. Aristotelous Construction Ltd.


Posted on: 23/11/2012

A seminar on “Steel Structures, High-rise Buildings and New Building Technologies” was organized by ETEK (Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber) at the administration building of the CUT (Cyprus University of Technology) in Limassol on 10th November 2012, attracting a lot of interest. The much esteemed civil engineers Platonas Stylianou, Socrates Ioannides and Dimitris Vamvatsikos highlighted the rapid evolution of technology in the field of steel structures through their presentations, relating in particular to the analysis, design and anti-seismic action. Our company was one of the three sponsors of the event.